"To be or not to be!"
The curtain rises: “TO BE OR NOT TO BE!” So far, so good.
Two theatre lovers will perform “Hamlet” with total fidelity to the original.
Having to do the work of a dozen artists and technicians, performing it in Shakespeare’s language, not having talent or skills will not be an impediment. Or will they? If William were to raise his head… perhaps he would not be proud but at least he would have a few laughs.
WELCOME & SORRY is a street theatre show that makes the theatrical profession visible through the parody of the great classics and the stereotypes that surround them. A gestural clown-comedy for all audiences.
Direction: Gorka Ganso & Cecilia Paganini
Screenwriter: William Shakespeare
External view: Ivan Alonso
Clown coaching: Elise Ouvrier-Buffet
Scenography: Argón Ediskrap
Photos: Asier Bastida, Ane Jareño
Graphic Design: SR. SOMMER
Distribution: ROCÍO PINDADO – PORTAL 71