Now that Mum has passed away Renato is free to do what he has always wanted to do.
Now that Mum has passed away Renato is free to do what he has always wanted to do: drink water from the tap, say hello to strangers and… do CIRCUS!
Now that he is also free to watch TV at night, he has discovered the MEGA CIRCUS KIT in the shopping channel.
He has bought it, but to become a circus artist is not that easy…
“RENATO” is a comedy tuned in CLOWN key. It shows the misfortunes of a character that is half pathetic and half endearing. He transforms, without him knowing, his dreams into parody in order to be a circus artist.
It is a street-theatre show that includes participation from audience members and improvisation. Entertainment suitable for all audiences, especially young and adults.

Street show
For all audiences

Performer: Gorka GANSO.
Direction: Gorka GANSO and Cecilia Paganini.
Costume designer: Cecilia Paganini.
Set construction: Oscar de Paz.
Production: GANSO&Cia..
Direction: Gorka GANSO.